
The Sound of Music ( 1965 )


In the years before the Second World War, a tomboyish postulant at an Austrian abbey is hired as a governess in the home of a widowed naval captain with seven children, and brings a new love of life and music into the home.

Main characters show deep care and empathy for each other and those in need.


The story showcases deep familial love and romantic love.

Characters display courage in the face of danger and adversity.

Overcoming fears and standing up for what is right is a central theme.

Characters demonstrate loyalty to their family and principles.


Faith plays an important role for some characters and guides their actions.

Characters show determination in overcoming various challenges.

Working together as a family and group is essential to overcoming obstacles.


Trust is a key element in relationships and in overcoming danger.

Strong bonds are formed between characters, highlighting the importance of friends.

Obedience is portrayed both as a virtue and sometimes as a complex issue within the story.

Characters undertake significant responsibilities and handle them well.

fear 4/10

Some tense moments, particularly involving the political climate and danger from authorities.

violence 3/10

Some scenes include aggressive behavior from authoritarian figures and mild peril.

alcohol 2/10

Characters are seen drinking wine at dinner and occasionally at social gatherings.

intimacy 2/10

Mild romantic scenes including kissing.
